Divine Company

3.4/ 5
20 reviews
Divine Company
3.4 /5
20 reviews
9850 Landegem Belgium
  • Electricity, domotics and security
    LED lighting
    Electrical services
  • Energy and climate
    Solar boilers
    Heat pumps
  • In the garden
  • Insulation work
  • Renovation projects
    Complete renovation projects
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Prutsers zoals je nog nooit hebt meegemaakt. Gelukkig failliet.


Chaotic and unprofessional installation of solar panels on roofs

Unfortunately, I cannot recommend Divine Company. The installation of the solar panels on my sloping roof and carport was chaotic and unprofessional. The evening before the day they were coming, they called me that they still had to order things and it could take another 2 months. Unbelievable. And they arrived a day early for the new appointment! Then they dropped a Romanian here with a Sun4Power van and some rails and sheet steel - because father and son urgently had to go to Antwerp. Only in the late afternoon did they return themselves to quickly throw the panels on the roof and connect them. Communication via email was impossible unless it involved money towards them (quote, invoice). Looking back, the price was completely incorrect, with a high advance payment. For the carport, I expected a decent construction for at least €1000 for that price and not some sheet steel that hangs together with some self-tapping screws worth less than €200. I fear the worst during storms. Moreover, the finish was also flawless. Cables tied NOWHERE. Bare wires hanging from junction boxes. An XVB cable EXPOSED on the roofing in the water and in the sunlight (UV rays) on the carport... no protective tube around it yet. At Carport, rows were far too close together. As of half past four in the afternoon, the 2nd row no longer yielded anything. They finally came to solve it. But the cable between the 2 rows was too short and is now tense! between 2 micro inverters. What a farce! The software was also incorrectly set up so that consumption was seen as extra revenue. This is how you get content to unknowing customers quickly, of course. There were no plans for the inspection either. I quickly signed it myself (I'm an electrician) because otherwise I would have missed out on my €750 premium. I DID pay for those plans in my quotation, but I also received NOTHING in return. I had already wired the fuse box for solar panels myself. The only thing they had to do was insert 2 modules and connect some wires and you're done. We also received NOTHING in return for this. The worst is yet to come. During the installation on the sloping roof, they forgot to close a roof tile and we received a lot of water through our roof in October and November. Consequence: Damaged insulation, damaged plasterboard, mold, sagging ceiling, bedroom NO longer habitable. I could even go on for hours. But I'm going to leave it at this. I am disappointed and will not work with them again, but no one will have to again because they are out of business. Pay attention and now work at another company Sun4Power... coincidentally the company of that Romanian's truck. I looked it up later and apparently Divine company did just about everything. Insulating, landscaping, solar panels, ... The manager even admitted that he did not even obtain an electricity diploma at school or during training. "Learned from experience" Well. This company was recommended to us by a bank clerk.

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Rita Cocquyt


Not at all satisfied with the after-sales service.

Not at all satisfied with the after-sales service. Emails and telephone are not answered. Many promises are made, but little is achieved in reality. Due to their omission, we lost half of the premium. Promises were also made that everything is of Belgian quality. That was indeed not the case when it was installed! It's a shame that we just believed everything at the time.

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Femke Vandekerkhove


Wij kozen voor dit bedrijf omwille van hun schriftelijke bevestiging dat ze het verschil in premie die we evt zouden missen zouden vergoeden. Dat gaf de doorslag t.o.v andere bedrijven die wel eerlijk waren en zeiden dat ze ons niet konden garanderen dat de zonnepanelen er nog zouden liggen in 2022. Echter is het schandalig om te zien hoe slecht hun service is. Onbereikbaar telefonisch, bellen niet terug, verschil in premie niet terugbetaald. De reacties die wij hier nu lezen zijn exact deze waarmee wij nu geconfronteerd worden. We raden het niemand aan. Wij nemen sowieso verdere stappen.

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Christy Bogaert


Ondanks het goeie geleverde werk komt divine compagny hun beloftes niet na. Ondanks 2 emails waarin ze beloven dat ze het deel van de premie dat ik nu in 2023 verlies gingen terug betalen! Doordat de zonnepanelen niet op het geplande tijdstip konden geleverd worden heb 7 maand moeten wachten. Komen ze hun afspraak niet na! Enorm teleurgesteld !

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Laura De Maere


Vriendelijk, correct, duidelijke communicatie. Al wie anders beweert, is onterecht.

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Kenny Gabriel


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laura dauwens


Top team,veel kennis van taken

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Sharon Gabriël


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Mandy Collette


Raad het niemand aan!! 7maanden geleden offerte getekend + voorschot betaald. 7oktober kwamen ze de zonnepanelen plaatsen. Avond ervoor bellen ze af , haakjes moeten nog besteld worden. Duurt dit 2maand?! Voor haakjes. Ik ben zelf zelfstandig maar hou mijn klanten tenminste op de hoogte, service 0!! En werkt er daar tenminste iemand op die bureau? Opnemen of eens terug bellen zou vriendelijk zijn.

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Pieter Van Rossem


Ongelooflijk hoe onprofessioneel: we hadden contact naar aanleiding van een offerte-aanvraag. Een dame vraagt via mail om enkele datums en tijdstippen voor te stellen. Ik doe dat; dagen nadien geen antwoord. Ik mail terug om even telefonisch af te stemmen. Na 2 weken nog geen antwoord. Dat zo'n firma's nog kunnen voortbestaan... mindblowing. Zo behandel je geen potentiële klanten.

Review written via Google