Discover the Homeproved-Score: the quality guarantee of a construction company

The Homeproved-Score is the quality guarantee of a construction company

A company's Homeproved Score is a value for the overall customer satisfaction of this company. This score is shown in the form of a number, eg 4.2 out of 5. Always on 5, because the score is also visually displayed as stars. The number of stars and the color give an overview of customer satisfaction at a glance. The Homeproved score is calculated very simply: The Homeproved Score is the average of all individual customer review scores.


From when do we speak of a good Homeproved score?

Research has shown that a company with a review score of 4.1 or more is considered very reliable. A score of 4.9 or 5, on the other hand, comes across as unbelievable. The number of reviews also plays a role in the perception of your customers. Your Homeproved score is therefore ideally:

  • Higher than 4.0 out of 5
  • Maximum 4.8 on 5
  • A minimum of 25 reviews

What if a company has no score?

Not every company on has a Homeproved Score. How come? Very simple: because no reviews have yet been written for these companies on Homeproved. However, this does not mean that these companies are unreliable. That is why Homeproved also shows the Google Review Score, which is displayed differently. Some companies have no score at all, neither from Homeproved nor from Google. The customer satisfaction of these companies is not known. The reason for this may be that these are companies that have just started up, or companies that consciously choose not to collect reviews. The question can then be asked why they don't want this…
