Great Old Renovations BVBA

2.1/ 5
11 reviews
Great Old Renovations BVBA
2.1 /5
11 reviews
2900 Schoten Belgium
  • In the garden
    Garden pavillions
  • Interior and interior finish
    Bathroom furniture
  • Plumbing and heating
    Central heating
  • Structural work shell and terrain
    Screed work
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Mario en Frauke


Disastrous total renovation: poor finish and broken promises

We too got caught! Those were beautiful words from Dean Keeble. We thought we had our dream home after the complete renovation of our house. Unfortunately it remained a dream. So beautiful that his words were, so bad is his way of working! . Poor finish, kitchen not completely finished, facade in crepi that failed and he had to do it again, no leak, sliding window that no longer opens, spotlights that no longer work, paid for electricity inspection and not done, paid for everything ready to paint and himself He has not fulfilled this, even before the end date of payment he asks whether we have paid the invoice and threatens that he can charge an additional cost and I can continue like this for hours. Ultimately called for help from a lawyer because Dean kept canceling the appointment on the same day (always the same excuse: daughter was sick, no care). After all these years, I saw him one more time to reach a settlement, but when push came to shove, neither he nor his lawyer said anything anymore. I can't understand how you can be like this, have a family of your own and do something like that to other families! I hope he pays for all his actions!

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Total renovation: sloppy work, unreliable and rude. Avoid this.

Unfortunately I cannot give Great Old Renovations BVBA a good review. The complete renovation of my home was a complete nightmare. The work was carried out sloppily and the contractor was unreliable. He asked for huge advances and was rude in his communications. I strongly advise against doing business with this company. Hopefully I will save others this misery.

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Disastrous total renovation, avoid this scammer like the plague.

What a nightmare! Great Old Renovations BVBA did a total renovation of our old mansion and it was a complete disaster. The contractor was chaotic and rude, asking for immense advances without any transparency. The finish was basic, with subcontractors not paid and materials not delivered. Beware and avoid this scammer like the plague!

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Disappointing experience with total house renovation by unreliable contractor.

Unfortunately, I cannot recommend Great Old Renovations BVBA. The total renovation of my old mansion started promisingly, but it soon became clear that the contractor could not be trusted. He requested high advances for no apparent reason, delivered materials without invoices and did not pay his subcontractors. The collaboration was chaotic and the finish was basic. The contractor was rude and I felt ripped off. A horrific adventure that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Really disappointing.

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Poor quality, inaccurate work and chaotic communication

Unfortunately, we had a negative experience with Great Old Renovations BVBA. The works were inaccurate and of poor quality, communication was confusing and chaotic, and the planning went completely wrong. Moreover, they left a huge mess behind. The price was also not correct and we had to pay a high deposit. The employees were unprofessional and even rude. We would not recommend this company to anyone looking for quality renovations. STAY AWAY FROM THAT SCAMMER!

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Kwaad in het kwadraat.


Total renovation Antwerp: fraud and poor quality guaranteed

Unfortunately, I cannot recommend Great Old Renovations BVBA. The promised total renovation in Antwerp has not been carried out, despite the high price we paid for it. Unfortunately, Dean Keeble turns out to be a fraud. His accounts have been frozen and his house has been placed under conservatorship. Subcontractors, be on your guard! The quality of the work was poor and the costs were far too high. Hopefully other people don't get scammed like we did. Subcontractors be notified.

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Misnoegde gedupeerde


Big disappointment in renovation company with unfinished work

Unfortunately, I am very disappointed in the collaboration with Great Old Renovations BVBA. It started well with the shelling of my house, but after that little happened. I have paid 3/4 of the agreed amount for a total renovation, but there is still a lot of work that has not been done. The company also works with many subcontractors who are not paid, which worries me. The inaccuracy and the high advance have caused a lot of frustration. I hope the company goes bankrupt soon so I can get my money back. Very unfortunate, I was hoping for a better experience.

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Swift Twit


Helaas moet ik mijn ervaring met GreatOld Ren. delen, die op zijn zachtst gezegd teleurstellend was. Mijn interacties met het bedrijf en de kwaliteit van het geleverde werk hebben mij ernstig ontgoocheld. Ten eerste was de communicatie met GreatOld Ren. bijzonder gebrekkig. Ze reageerden traag op mijn vragen en verzoeken, waardoor het hele proces onnodig vertraagd werd. Het was frustrerend om voortdurend achter hen aan te moeten gaan om antwoorden te krijgen. Bovendien liet de uitvoering van het werk veel te wensen over. De vakmensen die werden gestuurd, waren onprofessioneel en leken weinig kennis en ervaring te hebben. Ze waren slordig en maakten meerdere fouten tijdens de renovatie, die later moesten worden hersteld. Daarnaast waren de materialen en producten die ze gebruikten van lage kwaliteit. Ik had verwacht dat GreatOld Ren. zou streven naar duurzaamheid en kwaliteit, maar helaas was dit niet het geval. De materialen vertoonden al snel gebreken en ik moest extra kosten maken om ze te laten vervangen. Mijn klachten werden niet serieus genomen en ik voelde me niet gehoord als klant. Het leek alsof ze geen enkele verantwoordelijkheid namen voor de tekortkomingen van hun werk.

Review written via Google

Daisy Surings



Review written via Google

sandra fine


Top firma die kwaliteit en correctheid bovenop stellen, alles tot in de puntjes afgewerkt. En de baas is man met veel ervaring en kennis van zaken.

Review written via Google