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1 review
Nanovestraat 155
1745 Opwijk Belgium
  • Interior and interior finish
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Gert Bleus


HomeClass literally and figuratively leaves you out in the cold. What started as a nice story has now been dragging on for two years without any kind of solution in sight. When we contacted the manager of HomeClass, every question was answered immediately and we really felt like royalty. Unfortunately, once signed and paid, we no longer counted and there was hardly any after-sales service. The works were completed. carried out during the corona period, so we were able to understand that the works were sometimes halted for weeks. Also that there was a recently recruited project manager on site who apparently never knew what it was about. It was fortunate that we were still there to keep pointing out defects to the workers, such as extra sockets and a refrigerator door that would collide with the heating knob, otherwise they would have been we now have even more problems. After 4 months the work was finally done and unfortunately everything good that we are satisfied with is completely overshadowed by the negative results. Cracks in the door frames, custom-made order divider: paid but never delivered, a Velux window in the ceiling where it seeps in when it rains. But worst of all, the fireplace that was installed was a much cheaper version of the one that was in the quotation. A fireplace that, to make matters worse, has never worked. We have been trying to contact HomeClass for two years now to install the promised fireplace, but all that has happened so far is the demolition of the old one, which now leaves us with a There is a gaping hole in the living room that lets in all the cold. Telephones, emails, notices of default, etc. do nothing. We are always rejected with an excuse, so we now have no other choice to go to court. We also notice that HomeClass has had other negative reviews removed from Google (of which we have screenshots) and that a positive comment on Facebook was posted by an ex-employee of theirs. If HomeClass still has the decency to deliver our expensively paid fireplace on time and fix all other defects resolve, we will cancel this negative review and also save them some legal costs and compensation.

HomeClass literally and figuratively leaves you out in the cold. What started as a nice story has now dragged on for two years without any kind of solution in sight. When we contacted the manager of HomeClass, every question was answered immediately and we really felt like royalty. Unfortunately, once signed and paid, we no longer counted and there was hardly any after-sales service. The works were carried out during the corona period, so we were able to understand that the works were sometimes halted for weeks. Also that there was a newly hired project manager on site who apparently never knew what it was about. Luckily we were still there to point out defects to the workers, such as extra sockets and a refrigerator door that would collide with the heating button, otherwise we would have had even more problems. After 4 months the work was finally done and unfortunately everything good that we were satisfied with was completely overshadowed by the negative results. Cracks in the door frames, custom-made order divider: paid for but never delivered, a Velux window in the ceiling where it seeps in when it rains. But worst of all, the fireplace that was installed was a much cheaper version of the one in the quote. A fireplace that, to make matters worse, never worked. We have been trying to contact HomeClass for two years now to install the promised fireplace, but all that has happened so far is the demolition of the old one, so we now have a gaping hole in the living room that lets in all the cold. Telephones, emails, notices of default, etc. do nothing. Every time we are turned away with an excuse, we now have no other choice to go to court. We also notice that HomeClass has had their other negative reviews removed from Google (of which we have screenshots) and that a positive comment on Facebook was posted by an ex-employee of theirs. If HomeClass still has the decency to deliver our expensively paid fireplace on time and resolve all other defects, we will cancel this negative review and also save them any legal costs and compensation.

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