
1.8/ 5
14 reviews
1.8 /5
14 reviews
2060 Antwerpen Belgium
  • Roof works
    Roof timberwork
  • In the garden
    Garden pavillions
  • Renovation projects
    Apartment renovation
  • Structural work shell and terrain
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Order placed at the end of 2021, works never carried out.

Order placed at the end of 2021. Advance paid at the beginning of 2022. Works planned for the end of March. Never showed up, were unreachable and finally put the books down in July 2022. Managers Tom and Rob Want are unreliable “Entrepreneurs”

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Paul Meys


Business managers with 2 faces

Tom Want initially appears to be a man of integrity, a smooth talker, good ideas, thinks along and gives good tips. We teamed up with Want Concepts on the advice of kitchen manufacturer Dovy. He was just not praised to heaven by the seller of Dovy. Our intention was to renew the kitchen (the space) from A to Z. Different floor, ceiling, new radiator in a different place, 2 existing doors demolished, 1 of which had to be renewed and the other was allowed to remain open, only nicely closed. We chose the floor and the new door ourselves, completely free, he was not tied to anyone, on the contrary as a contractor he received a percentage that he would pass on to us. He would therefore purchase the door and the floor and then pass it on to us on the invoice. Estimated duration of works: 1 week. After approval of the offer and payment of the advance, everything was in order. They were supposed to start on a Monday but this would be confirmed by his secretary in the course of the week before. Sunday evening, so the day before the planned start of the works, we received a phone call from Tom. Due to "corona", it was only possible to start on Wednesday, this was no problem for us because the delivery of Dovy was planned the following Friday. That Wednesday 2 people started and it went smoothly at first. Tom Want mentions on his website that he is a cooperating manager and always makes it understood that way, but in reality 2 Poles were dropped off here who went to work after a short briefing. These people worked smoothly, the only drawback was that they only spoke Polish, no Dutch, French, English or German so communication was nil. Work continued on a daily basis, but it soon became clear that the work would not be completed in 1 week, especially because it was not always a full day's work. In the meantime, interim invoices came in, which were always paid immediately by us. Due to time constraints, Tom suggested laying the new floor on top of the existing one, even though he had advised against doing so in the first place, because it would be difficult with the existing door to the garden. We agreed, there was really no other option because Dovy had to deliver, and Tom promised us an adjustment of the invoice for the works that did not have to be carried out (breaking out the floor, removing sulphur, chapping and levelling). He would settle this with the invoice for the new door. Just to be sure, he again measured the hole where the door should be to make sure the correct one had been ordered. He would have the door itself and the finish done after installation and delivery of the kitchen because: "Those men from Dovy don't look at anything, before you know it they break something off somewhere". The kitchen was placed but Tom was suddenly no longer available. After about 1 week of trying to call daily, we contacted his son who works in the company. His father was ill, he lied unconvincingly, but he would let you know as soon as possible. We are still waiting for it... After some threatening language from us via an email address that we had found, it was reported that the door would be delivered during week 1 of 2021. This did not happen again. We could no longer reach father or son by telephone because they had blocked our numbers. So they don't even have the guts to talk to us. One evening suddenly a short email that they would not be able to place the door and that this was not in the quote. This is indeed correct, he had probably “forgotten” this and we had read about it. Inquiries told us that that door had never been ordered. So he had never intended to put up that door, despite talking to us several times about it. There was nothing in the quotation about installing skirting boards and preparing the finish for painting. Everything he had promised to do, after placement by Dovy, he simply left behind. Some good advice if you're thinking of doing business with Want Concepts: DON'T DO IT, Tom and his son can't be trusted.

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farid mahssini


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Elisa Flies


grootste oplichters: Tom en Robbe Want! 1 ster is nog veel te veel.

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Betalen facturen niet! Zijn failliet...

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Marjolein Salens


Opgelet dit bedrijf is failliet! Althans dat beweren ze toch. (meerdere raadplegingen bij de handelsrechtbank leverden niets op, daar weten ze niet van het faillissement). Weg met ons voorschot en totaal onbereikbaar voor enige commentaar... Pittig detail: laatste publicatie in staatsblad op 12/05 dat zaakvoerder ontslag neemt. Bijzonder hoe machteloos je tegen zulke schurken staat.

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Vincent Van Damme


Bestelling geplaatst en voorschot betaald in januari 2022. Werken gingen eind februari begin maart uitgevoerd worden. Tot heden niets gebeurd, Want Concepts sinds maart onbereikbaar. Nooit antwoord gekregen op e-mails, telefoon wordt niet opgenomen en sinds eind april worden e-mails niet meer aanvaard. Onbetrouwbare firma. Zaakvoerders zijn blijkbaar samen met het betaalde voorschot met de noorderzon verdwenen.

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Rik G


Beste, Mensen deze review zal hier blijven tot ik mijn voorschot terug heb Vader en zoon (Tom en Robe want ) De griste leugenaars die heb tegen gekomen Heb deze mensen op internet gevonden Zijn bij ons langs gekomen voor een offerte (Zolder inrichtingen)ik zelf was al lang aan twijfelen over zijn vertrouwen Maar mij vrouw ze das een eerlijk mens met zijn zoon..we krijgen in snelle tempo de offerte was aanvaard na paar dagen komt voorschot factuur van 10.600€ van 62.000 totale factuur.. Was paar dagen aan twijfelen im te betalen Na 10 dagen komt herinnering dat de factuur moet voor vijf dagen betalen ! Anders (interesse) Zeer belachelijk die hebben nog niet begonnen We moeten voorschieten..begin van verbouwingen Is nooit gekomen..vorige keer heb ik een review geplaatst dat ik mijn voorschot wil terug Tom heft mij gebeld en mijn rekeningnummer gevraagd om terug te storten ,die heft nooit betaald .(nu tot onze voorschot betaald is blijft de review.

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Tomasz Pankiewicz



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moest bijbetalen omdat ze fout hadden opgemeten. ook al staat er in de offerte dat de offerteprijs de vaste prijs is voor te betalen. In de offerte staat dat er altijd een ploegbaas aanwezig is. Dit kan wel zijn, maar zorg er dan ook voor dat die persoon iemand is die op zijn minst engels, nederlands,duits of frans kan. Als ze met de laatste factuur komen blijkt bij nazicht niet alles uitgevoerd te zijn. Dit laatste hebben ze uiteindelijk opgelost Ook kreeg ik een attest voor subsidie, doch de oppervlakte bleek verkeerd. Om dit aan te passen heb ik meermaals gebeld en gemaild zonder succes.

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