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1 review
2560 NIJLEN Belgium
  • New-housing projects
    Steel skeleton construction
  • Renovation projects
    Renovation projects
    Bathroom remodeling
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Astrid Ste


Neat resident is left out in the cold by Woonplus

Woonplus is too afraid to start a conversation with difficult residents (a-social residents) and leaves neat residents out in the cold. In our gallery there is 1 family that misbehaves in such a way that the public areas are already quite damaged. So is my gallery. Despite the fact that this family continues to cause permanent damage, Woonplus does not give up. See the attached photos of the family that continuously provides the gallery with traces of an electric scooter that cannot be removed from the gallery. Then a special company has to come and despite the fact that they have already been 2x, my gallery section has not become any better and now Woonplus has dismissed it with the fact that these are normal traces of use. Only on my piece of gallery is this nowhere in the entire flat you will find this view on the galleries. It is easier for Woonplus to dismiss it as normal user traces and to address these difficult residents. Me as a neat resident who always keeps my gallery clean now has a gallery that doesn't look good. People who get off the elevator with me also say what happened here on the floor. It's nice to have a Social Management department that mainly leaves the tidy residents out in the cold. If I then indicate to walk over all 4 galleries with a supervisor and see if he/she still believes that these are normal traces of use on my gallery, then it will be indicated that the supervisor will not come. No, because then they have to admit that this is not normal and then address the aso resident with all the consequences that entails. This is the easiest way for Woonplus.

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