Reducing the cost of the structural work? Keep this in mind!

Reducing the cost of the structural work? Keep this in mind!

Building a new house is often cheaper than buying a house, but it’s still an enormous investment. Luckily, there are a lot of ways to reduce the cost of a new house, starting with the structural work. In this article, you discover everything about the costs and how to keep things affordable.

The cost of the structural work: a rough estimation

There is no standard when it comes to structural work. How much you will pay depends on the materials, the contractors’ price… But, there is a point of reference to measure the affordability of a new house: the price per m2. In general, the price per m2 is €1.000 - €3.000 per m2 for a living area and about €500 for a non-living area (cellar, garage, storage…). 


Watch out: this estimation includes the finishing. To know the price of the structural work itself, you can use the following balance.


Structural work vs. overall budget: the balance

Keep in mind that the structural work constitutes approximately half of the overall budget, or about €500 - €750 per m2. The biggest part goes to the masonry, which makes about 1/5 of the cost. Secondly, it’s the roof works (10% of the overall budget). Furthermore, there are the groundwork, sewerage, concrete and insulation.

structural worker

How to reduce the structural costs

  • DIY! By helping the contractor, you can save a lot of money, up to one third of the price of the structural work. It all depends on what you do yourself. Possible tasks are: moving bricks, placing roof tiles…
  • Comparison is the way to go! If you compare different offers, you’re a winner. Whether it’s about the materials you buy or the contractors you choose. If you compare different options, you win!
  • Grants are a must. The cost of the structural work must not be underestimated, but the grants of the government can help a lot.


Tip: if you choose a turn-key company, you’ll never be surprised and you will have a budget overview all the time.

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