Clean your induction cooker: bye bye dirty stains

Clean your induction cooker: bye bye dirty stains

Are you the cook at home, thanks to your induction cooker? In that case, you definitely know that it’s very easy to clean! Don’t you? If it’s not the case, you’ll find some tips and tricks to prevent and remove stains. Let’s clean!

Good to know: all of these tips work for ceramic cookers too!


During the cooking: action reaction!

We all know the struggle: water boiling over, the sauce all over the place, veggies leaving the pan without asking… Spilling is human! To avoid dirt burning on or in the cooker, you should just clean it up as soon as possible. Afraid to get burned? No worries: an induction cooker doesn’t get that hot, which reduces the risk. The only thing you need is a microfibre cloth to wipe out the stains.


Watch out: a ceramic cooker is very hot. Be careful!

microfibre clothUse a microfibre cloth to avoid stripes.

After the cooking: the sooner the better

Done cooking? Clean the cooker as soon as possible. It’s easy! You only need some detergent and a moist cloth. Finish by using a microfibre cloth to avoid stripes.


Important sidenote: never use corrosive or acidic products or abrasive on your induction cooker. These will damage the top layer. The result? Irreparable scratches!

cleaning with detergentA simple detergent is enough!

Be careful with stubborn dirt

A moment of inattention or just no time to clean up immediately? No problem! There is a solution for everything.

  • Use a glass scraper to remove dried-on foods. Only use the scraper delivered with your cooker, common knifes will cause damage.
  • Get yourself a cleaner specially developed for induction cookers. Using a soft, clean sponge, you’ll be able to remove the stain.


Be careful! You better clean a little longer and gentler to avoid damage.

glass scraperOnly use a glass scraper made for induction cookers!

Preventive protection = quick cleaning

You see, cleaning an induction cooker is very easy. Make it easy on yourself and clean the cooker preventively every month with a special protection coating. This way, you avoid dried-on foods and cleaning will be easier than ever.

cleaning cookerSo, that’s all you needed to know to keep your cooker clean!

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