Remove rust? This is how you do it!

Water + metal = rust. Does that mean you should just throw away any rusty object? Not at all! Removing rust isn’t that difficult, and you probably already have all the remedies around you. In this article, you discover how you turn rusty objects into shiny ones again!
1. Vinegar
Vinegar is a lifesaver when it comes to rust. Soak the metal during the night in the vinegar and in the morning, you can just wipe the rust away. Is the object too big to put in a bucket of vinegar? Soak some towels in vinegar and cover the object with it.
Important! Vinegar is rather mild: it is possible that you have to repeat the treatment a couple of times.
2. Lemon or lime juice
Other acid liquids can help you remove rust as well. Think of lemon or lime juice. How to?
Sprinkle some salt on the rusty part, soak the object in the juice and scrape the rust away.
Tip: lemon and lime juice can be used to remove rust stains on your carpet or clothes.
3. Baking soda
Let’s talk baking soda! Mix a little water with some baking soda until you have sort of a paste. Apply the paste on the rust stains and scrub them away with a scrubbing pad, steel wool or toothbrush. Next step? Rinse with water and your done!
4. Tin foil
You don’t need steel wool to remove rust. Tin foil will do the trick! Make a clot and rub the stains. An even better result? Soak the tin foil in vinegar first!
5. A potato
Believe it or not, you can use a potato to remove rust. Cut the potato in half and rub it with detergent. Scrub the steel and you will see the rust stains disappear. More rust to remove? Cut off the used part of the potato and start again!