Placing curbstones: it’s this easy!

Curbstones make sure the foundation of your garden path, terrace or flower bed won’t be pushed away or move. Moreover, curbstones make everything look neat. Keeping the following tips in mind, placing curbstones will be a piece of cake!
What do you need to place curbstones yourself?
- A spirit level
- A wheelbarrow
- Rope
- Curbstones
- A shovel
- Pickets
- A rake
This is how you do it!
- Dig a trench. The depth should be approximately 1/3 of the height of the curbstones.
- Put the pickets next to the trench, and connect them with a rope. This will help you place the curbstones correctly.
- Place the first stone and make sure it’s straight. Press very well using a hammer or trowel. Use a spirit level to check if it’s horizontal.
- Important: for a terrace or garden path, good drainage is important. Make sure the rope has a decline of 2 cm per m2. This way, the curbstones can be placed according to this gradient.
- Place the other curbstones in the trench.
- Make sure you have a 90 degree angle.
- Ready! Now it’s time to fill the bed with whatever you want. In case of a flower bed, you fill it up with potting soil. For a terrace or garden path, you use sand or brick dust.

Placing curbstones: tips and tricks
- Curbstones need to be wide or they need to be placed deep enough to be firm. To be sure your garden path, flower bed or terrace won’t move, you can embed the stones in concrete too.
- You can place the curbstones on the same level as the pavement, or a little lower, just how you like it.